New Representative Council

The IEMA has introduced a number of key governance changes during the last 12 months - the aim being to modernise the governance structure and make it more responsive to the Institute's growing organisation. The changes have been described in earlier documents which can be viewed on the IEMA website (see IEMA News).

New Representative Council

The IEMA has introduced a number of key governance changes during the last 12 months - the aim being to modernise the governance structure and make it more responsive to the Institute's growing organisation. The changes have been described in earlier documents which can be viewed on the IEMA website (see IEMA News).

A new Board has been appointed and held its first meeting in Lincoln on the 27 September. At the meeting Ian Housley was elected Chairman. Also at the meeting proposals were approved for establishing a new Representative Council in accordance with Sections 20-25 of the Institute's new Articles of Association.

The Representative Council will be formed through a combination of direct elections and appointments from IEMA Regional Steering Groups. The administrative task of undertaking the elections to the new Council is to be undertaken by Electoral Reform Services (ERS) a leading independent supplier of polling and election services - ERS has also been responsible for the Institute's 2005 and 2007 membership surveys.

Notice of the elections including requests for nominations will be announced in January with the process expected to be completed by the end of April. The first meeting of the Council is expected to take place in Summer 2008.

Please contact me if you require any further clarification at this time on any of the above points.

Russell Foster

Chief Executive

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