Europe could create 100% renewable electricity
A new study demonstrates how the opportunity exists to power Europe and North Africa exclusively by renewable electricity by 2050 if this is supported by a single European power market united with a similar market in North Africa. The study by international energy and climate experts from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in collaboration with researchers of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the European Climate Forum (ECF) has formulated the first policy roadmap towards a 2050 goal of achieving a 100% renewable power sector in Europe and North Africa. A transformation of the power sector based on 100% renewables would address energy security and supply concerns while decarbonising electricity generation and at the same time contribute to a substantial reduction in energy poverty. Taking into account existing infrastructure and electricity generation capacities and recognising the need for a cross-national power system the proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and demand management for power independent of when and where the power is generated. Making the most of natural resources and established weather patterns it would incorporate:� the vast concentrating solar potential of southern Europe and the arid deserts of North Africa; � the hydro capability of Scandinavia and the European alps; � onshore and offshore wind farms in the Baltic and North Sea; � the continent's ocean tidal and wave power; and� biomass generation across Europe.The researchers studied the policy markets investments and infrastructure leadership needed to achieve the 100% renewables goal in terms of financial infrastructure and government policy milestones for policy-makers and business. The study focused the examination on a 100% renewable electricity supply to consider the market and infrastructure potential of natural resources but recognised that in addition to renewables there are other routes to achieving a low carbon future. Amongst the most significant the expansion of nuclear power and the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) for the burning of fossil fuels. Gus Schellekens director sustainability and climate change PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP said: Europe and other parts of the world are arriving at a crossroads where we have the choice and ability to achieve renewable power at scale. Opportunities to use clean and affordable natural sources of electricity have been flirted with over the past 150 years. This study lays out a clear framework of how this time could be different.