Denmark's $1.8bn wind park

Danish state-owned DONG Energy has bid to build one of the world's biggest offshore wind parks a 400-megawatt farm expected to cost 10 billion crowns ($1.8 billion). The wind farm off the Danish island off Anholt in the Kattegat would supply its first power in 2012 and be completed in 2013.The park would supersede the world's current biggest offshore wind park DONG's 209 MW Horns Rev 2 in the North Sea but would be eclipsed by the planned biggest the 630 MW London Array park in the Thames Estuary � also a DONG project.DONG said that the installation would supply enough carbon dioxide-free electricity for 400000 Danish households or 4% of Denmark's total power consumption.Denmark is a world leader in wind energy getting roughly a fifth of its electricity production from wind parks on and off shore. It is also home to the world's biggest wind turbine manufacturer Vestas.
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