250 scientists call for a proper place for Sustainable Consumption in the EU's 7th Framework program

This week on behalf of 250 scientists the Oslo Declaration on Sustainable Consumption was sent to the most relevant members of the European Commission including Research Commissioner Potocnik. The Declaration states: 'Efforts to develop consumption systems that are markedly more efficient and effective are still largely unknown and to date there have been few practical steps toward realizing their implementation'. During the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg 2002 world leaders agreed to launch a 'Ten Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)' to realize the fundamental changes in the way societies produce and consume which are indispensable for achieving global sustainable development. Now three years after this statement the 250 signatories of the Oslo Declaration conclude that there is a severe implementation gap.Research programs in the EU such as the 6th and 7th Framework Program keep on being focused on technology development. The signatories argue that increased research and development effort aimed at SCP supports progress in the Lisbon process that aims to make the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-driven economy by 2010. If Europe wishes to achieve success in innovation and concurrently proceed towards sustainability the proper understanding of desirable social and institutional innovations which this research agenda would deliver is an indispensable accompaniment to technology-oriented R&D say the signatories in their letter to Commissioner Potocnik. They hence plea for a proper and visible place of the research agenda that is part of Oslo Declaration in the EU's research programs particulary FP7.
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