Europe's leading manufacturers set to meet in Brussels in November to bench–mark environmental strategies
BRUSSELS � September 29 2008 -- Europe's leading manufacturers are set to meet in Brussels in November to bench-mark their environmental strategies at the Sustainable Manufacturing Summit Europe.The meeting is also providing a unique opportunity for these producers to discuss with senior civil servants the European Commission's latest sustainable industry action plans.
More than 25 leading companies are confirmed to present at this event that is part of a global series supporting sustainable manufacturing. Representatives from BASF Toyota Unilever Canon Volvo Ecover Morphy Richards Cisco Hydro Hewlett Packard Van Houtem Papier STMicroelctronic and Nokia are among those participating on November 19 & 20.
The Sustainable Manufacturing Summit is the key industry event for those responsible for developing manufacturing environmental strategies. Through case studies it will provide practical advice on important issues such as: energy efficiency renewable energy zero emissions manufacturing water footprinting product life cycle analysis carbon and eco-labelling eco design cradle-to-cradle production and industrial symbiosis.
The event coincides with the annual EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) awards and a meeting of Europe's senior sustainability civil servants and provides a number of occasions for sustainability executives to meet with peers politicians and those charged with delivering the Action Plans.
The Commission launched the Action Plans for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) and Sustainable Industrial Policy (SIP) in July and the Brussels Summit will be attended by many of the leading civil servants charged with delivering SCP/SIP outcomes. The action plans are set to have a dramatic impact on manufacturing across Europe with the announced measures including:
- A proposal to revise and expand the scope of the EuP Directive to all energy-related products;
- A widened scope for the use of labels that detail the energy use or impact of products;
- New public procurement rules to favour the uptake of 'green' products;
- A revision and expansion of the EU's Ecolabel or flower scheme to include among others food and drink products and;
- A revision of the voluntary eco-management and audit scheme.
All conference attendees will be invited to the sustainability civil servants reception and the 2008 EMAS awards.
In summary:
November 19-20 Sustainable Manufacturing Summit Europe
November 20 Reception with Europe's sustainability civil servants
November 20 2008 EMAS Awards
November 21 Workshop: Becoming carbon neutral
Further details of the event can be viewed at
For more information please contact Lenka SmejkalovaGreen Power Conferences +44 (0)207 099 0600 [email protected]