Greenpeace virtual tool shows how to save energy in your city

Greenpeace UK has created a virtual tool that can be used to find out how cities can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy: 'EfficienCity'.

The tool promotes a so-called decentralised energy system. Combined heat and power (CHP) forms the basis of such a system. CHP plants are located in cities and towns where electricity and heat will also be used so that little energy is lost in transmission.

'EfficienCity' virtually illustrates how the CHP system can be applied in cities. Moreover it shows how local renewable energy sources can be used. The tool clearly explains how energy can be saved in different urban settings such as football stadiums supermarkets and houses. It also gives concrete examples of already existing projects in the UK by providing video material and pictures.

EfficienCity is a virtual climate neutral city created online by Greenpeace UK. The city aims to inform individuals businesses and local authorities about community energy schemes combined heat and power renewable technologies and efficiency measures - and how these can be implemented in real world towns.

EfficienCity consists of three zones: an East Zone a South Zone and West Zone. In the East Zone the tool illustrates how a brewery hospital leisure centre and houses can become more energy efficienty by applying a 'combined heat and power' (CHP) system. The South Zone gives more information about tidal wind and wave power. The West Zone focuses on the energy efficiency of a football stadium a supermarket a high street and sewage treatment.

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