Carbon Emissions from Schools – SDC Report

In this study for the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) the Sustainable Development Commission argues that decisive action bold decisions and strong support from central and local government could allow schools to halve their carbon footprint by 2020.

The study aimed to:

identify and understand the magnitude of carbon dioxide emissions associated with England's schools; explore the changes required to reduce the carbon footprint by developing scenarios for 2020 and 2050;

to suggest the level of ambition to which the schools sector could aspire;

and to recommend actions and policy interventions for the DCSF and others to implement or influence in order to deliver each of these scenarios.

The report does not prescribe one particular set of actions for DCSF or local authorities to undertake but presents scenarios to show how different policies and combinations of policies can lead to different degrees of emissions reductions.

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