Entrepreneur makes waves with renewable energy
If Michael Whelan's dream comes true the Atlantic ocean will soon help keep the lights on in Ireland.And if it does it will complete a circuit for Whelan: 30 years ago he was a commercial diver working on North Sea oil and gas installations.
Returning to Ireland in the 1980s he started a marine towing and salvage company. After selling that business he opened a quayside hotel in Cobh near Cork. But now he has returned to the sea - to generate electricity from wave power. His enthusiasm for the project a wave energy converter called an Ocean Energy Buoy knows no limits.
While everyone else was celebrating Christmas Day last year Whelan was mooring his 28-tonne prototype in Galway Bay. Over the next eight months the quarter-scale model was battered by storms. Whelan felt like a fish out of water when he opened The Waters Edge Hotel on the quayside at Cobh - and the lure of the sea soon grew irresistibly strong.
Building a hotel was great fun but when I started selling food and beds to people I knew I was in the wrong business Whelan says. I had an interest in renewable energy and I needed to get my feet back into the water.