Newhaven Energy Recovery Plant Cleared for Action


A waste incinerator for Newhaven has moved closer this morning (July 25). The Environment Agency has said it is 'readyto issue' a permit for the burner. Individuals or organisations now have 20 days from July 25 to make any further representations before the Environment Agency formally issues the permit.

An Agency spokesman said: 'An energy recovery facility is a modern incinerator which burns waste under highly controlled conditions. It recovers heat energy in the form of steam which is used to generate electricity.

'A PPC permit sets strict conditions and requirements to make sure the facility does not cause harm to the environment or human health.' Chris Wick Environment Manager for the Environment Agency in Sussex said: 'We have considered this application very carefully. We are satisfied that the incinerator if built and with our conditions will not damage the environment or cause harm to human health. 'We have consulted extensively and taken the views of the Health Authority Food Standards Agency local authority environment organisations and letters from the general public into consideration before making our decision. 'We have decided that a permit can be issued for the proposed incinerator but are now giving those who have concerns further time to respond before we finalise our decision.'

The Environment Agency does not decide whether an incinerator should be built or where it should be located. Veolia ES South Downs Ltd has submitted planning application for the incinerator at Newhaven to East Sussex County Council. The Environment Agency's role is to make sure that if it is built it is designed and operated to meet strict controls. The proposed permit conditions and the decision document that explains the permit conditions and how the Environment Agency made its decision are available to view. Copies can be seen at the Environment Agency office in Little High Street Worthing Newhaven Library and Lewes District Council offices. They can also be seen at:

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