NHS sustainability measurement model unveiled


A self-assessment tool has been launched that enables NHS organisations to measure their sustainable development performance.The model Good Corporate Citizenship examines a number of factors including how they buy goods and services how they work in partnership with others and how they construct and manage buildings and land.

The model which is web-based helps health bodies see how they contribute to a strong local economy community and healthy environment. It is available at www.corporatecitizen.nhs.uk

The Sustainable Development Commission developed the model on behalf of the Department of Health which made a commitment to good corporate citizenship in the Choosing Health white paper.

It comes less than a month after health secretary Patricia Hewitt urged NHS purchasers to consider buying goods and services from social enterprises. Her comments were made in the introduction to a new guide published by the Social Enterprise Coalition More for your Money - a guide to procuring from social enterprises for the NHS which was produced in partnership with the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency.

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