Biggest UK Demo on Climate Change Lined Up for London
London to take part in the world's first 'global' protest against climate chaos. Keith Taylor Green Party Principal Speaker today hailed the London Climate March on Saturday December 3rd a vital piece of direct action.This march will be many times bigger than any demonstration on this issue so far. Events will take place in more than thirty countries - highlighting the global nature of the danger posed by climate change. Climate change has been variously described as a 'weapon of mass destruction' and as a 'greater threat than terrorism.'
There is an urgent need for action now. Blair's apparent reversal of 15 years of British support for a treaty with mandatory targets has undermined the Montreal talks before they even begin. Effective action on lowering carbon emissions is fundamental to stopping climate chaos and legally binding reductions plans are essential.
Green Party Euro-MP Caroline Lucas who will be speaking at the march added: Climate change is the greatest threat facing us. World leaders meeting in Montreal next week must agree to adopt tough binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions - with the richest nations making the fastest cuts. I hope many thousands will take part in the climate march to let Tony Blair know that it's not just his own advisers that are worried about his failure to act meaningfully on climate change - it's the electorate with the power to turf Labour out of office too.
The London Climate March will assemble at 12 noon in Lincoln's Inn Fields to march past the ExxonMobil London offices the Australian Embassy and Downing Street to finish with a rally and speeches at the US embassy from around 3 pm to 4 pm. Speakers will include Michael Meacher MP (ex Labour minister for the Environment) Norman Baker MP (Lib Dem shadow environment minister) Caroline Lucas MEP (Green Party) the journalist and campaigner George Monbiot. The International Day of Climate Protest has been initiated by the Campaign against Climate Change in the UK in order to demand that Australia and the US ratify Kyoto and that world leaders move as rapidly as possible to an effective and equitable international emissions reductions treaty.