Sustainability of Mediterranean
The Agriculture and Fisheries Council will meet in Luxembourg on Mondayto discuss a proposal by the Commission to establish a set of management measures in the Mediterranean to address the causes of over-exploitation of fisheries resources and ensure the sustainability of Mediterranean fisheries.Proposed measures for sustainability include a progressive increase in net mesh sizes the strengthening of the current ban on certain trawling activities to protect young fish the prohibition of certain fishing practices which are considered detrimental to marine ecosystems and habitats conservation provisions for swordfish better control of fishing activities the sharing of management responsibility between the EU and the Member States and the introduction of fishing effort management. Other questions on the agenda are the management of blue whiting fisheries the fuel crisis and the future of fisheries. The Belgian delegation will draw the attention of the Council to the impact of increasing fuel prices on the fisheries industry. is published by Special Publications. Special Publications also publish European Fish Trader Fishing Monthly Fish Farming Today Fish Farmer the Fish Industry Yearbook the Scottish Seafood Processors Federation Diary the Fish Farmer Handbook and a range of wallplanners.