Greenpeace Protests at Range Rover

Early this morning 35 Greenpeace volunteers shut down the assembly line making gas-guzzling Range Rovers. Urban 4x4s made at this site are wrecking the climate. The volunteers used safety shut-down buttons to cut off power to the assembly line before handcuffing and chaining themselves to unfinished vehicles along the 150m long assembly line and branding it a climate crime scene. It's the first time anywhere in the world that protesters have shut down a factory making Sports Utility Vehicles.

Climate change is the greatest threat the planet is facing. According to the World Health Organisation 150000 people are already dying every year as a result of the impacts of climate change including droughts floods and storms. Yet Land Rover continues to make gas-guzzling vehicles most of which will tackle nothing steeper than a speed bump.

The Range Rover is the UK's least fuel-efficient 4x4 doing a criminal 12 miles to the gallon in urban areas. The new Range Rover Sport which has been tuned primarily for on road performance does fewer miles to the gallon than the Model T Ford built 80 years ago.

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