07/08/2024 | 0 min read

How To: Communicate Complex Topics

One of the barriers to climate progression is being unable to clearly communicate the challenges and opportunities to different audiences. In this session, James Wilcox discusses different communication styles, how to pitch what you’re trying to communicate, the art of storytelling as well as some hints and tips for communicating complex matters.


Presented by

James Wilcox

Currently Head of Sustainability for Inspired Villages, a £500 million backed joint venture between Legal and General Capital and Natwest Pension Fund, I have worked in sustainability across construction for most of my career. A former Non-executive board member of Sustainability West Midlands, I am part of the Cambridge University Achieving Net Zero Cross-Industry Working Group delivering the Carbon Reduction Code, and a qualified British Cycling coach. Communication, as a coach, leader and to work effectively with stakeholders, has been a core area of personal and professional development and something I am keen to see develop in others. Sustainability on particular, can have some quite complex and hard to explain nuances, so being able to communicate these effectively to others is very important, in order to bring people on the journey with us.