IEMA Media Update: IEMA hits the headlines
The last few months have been unprecedented for IEMA’s media coverage. In mid-July, our journalist Tom Pashby attended a press conference at the Environment Agency, forewarning the news of hose pipe bans, droughts and water shortages. We issued a press release to our news contacts in response, resulting in us being quoted on the front page story of the Observer, and a cascade of press requests from the article at the end of July.
IEMA then appeared on local, national and international BBC radio and tv stations, including BBC Radio 5Live, BBC Radio Kent, BBC LDN, BBC South East, BBC Arabic and the BBC News Channel.
Our Deputy CEO and Director of Policy Martin Baxter, went on Talk TV’s Jeremy Kyle show, talking hosepipe bans, droughts and mitigation and appeared on BBC Arabic commenting on the US Inflation Reduction Act that promised billions of dollars to finance renewable energy and make electric vehicles more affordable.

CEO Sarah Mukherjee MBE spoke on the BBC World News programme ‘Outside Source’ who wanted an expert from IEMA to discuss extreme global temperatures, in the same week that our quote on the expected drought was featured in local and national news publications. The platform we use means we could see what news was written under embargo and get our quotes ready to release.

The exposure to these media publications during August, gives IEMA both national and international weight and the opportunity to offer impartial environmental comment to the reporting of climate change. It is the kind of exposure that if paid for, would amount to tens of thousands of pounds in adverstising revenue - if not more, as our media monitoring platform looks at print and online only.
COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, 6-18th November: IEMA will be attending COP27 in person and we are currently waiting to hear which of our submissions for joint events in the Blue and Green zones have been successful. We have put in applications for us to speak about green skills, green jobs and education, in collaboration with some of our corporate partners and will find out in due course if we have been selected.
If you have any queries about our media work, COP27, our podcast, Transform or social media, please contact me [email protected]
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