  • Sunday, 8 September 2024

  • 10:00 - 11:00

  • Online

This webinar provides an update on the development and implementation of Marine Net Gain. We will hear from speakers who are leading the development of policy in this area, as well as how it is being applied locally on the coast. We will also hear from developers on how they are planning ahead to ensure compliance with the regime once it is implemented.

In June 2022, Defra consulted on the Principles of Marine Net Gain. It was stated as part of the Defra consultation, that Marine Net Gain will operate alongside existing planning policy and practice to ensure that current environmental standards, including the conservation objectives for habitats, species and designated sites, are maintained and implemented.

In December 2022, a national environmental target was published. This requires 70% of the designated features in the Marine Protected Areas network to be in favourable condition by 2042, with the remainder in recovering condition, and additional reporting on changes in individual feature condition.

In December 2023, Defra provided a response to the consultation which included a summary of the responses provided across the different topic areas, as well suggested strategic and site-based interventions.

This webinar is aimed at IEMA members who are working on policy and developments in the marine environment, as well as on the coastal fringes with its overlapping consenting regimes.

This webinar will provide:
- an update on the current marine net gain policy development
- case studies of implementing marine net gain
- insight into the opportunities for future compliance
- the delivery of greater environmental outcomes in marine net gain

Speakers include:
- Lee Gunton – Senior Policy Advisor Marine Net Gain, Defra
- Abigail Crosby – Senior Marine Officer, Cornwall Council
- Samir Whitaker – Biodiversity Lead Specialist, Orsted
- Mark Herbert - Consents and Environment Specialist, Associated British Ports