Action and urgency

IEMA supports professional practice across key disciplines of environmental management, impact assessment and corporate sustainability. We worked with our members to pioneer the IEMA GHG Management Hierarchy, IEMA principles for addressing climate change in EIA, to produce leading practitioner guidance and to influence standards and policies.

Within our Climate Change Position Statement, IEMA and our members called for ‘professional urgency’ along with:

  1. Climate leadership – across society from individuals, businesses, organisations and governments
  2. Policy frameworks and strategic developments that support certainty and confidence
  3. Recognition, integration and embedding climate change and energy as central and mainstream business issues
  4. Reporting, disclosure and increasing transparency on climate change and energy performance

The Position Statement recognises that transformation requires a growing community of environment and sustainability professionals. IEMA is committed to work with our members, supporting their work on the urgency, strategic need and on the business case for action.



  • Leadership on climate change mitigation and adaptation is required across society and at all levels
  • Urgent action is needed to address our current global unsustainable trajectory, to minimise impacts on future generations and to help organisations and communities make effective transitions
  • IEMA advocates a professional urgency on climate change and encourages individuals, businesses, organisations and governments to all demonstrate climate leadership

IEMA identified key requirements for transforming to sustainability in our 2016 briefing, Beyond The Perfect Storm. This emphasised the importance of corporate commitments and the role for skilled professionals in driving transitions through systems thinking, innovation, strategy, leadership and collaboration.
